Well-Known Member
I ran four miles and decided to cut the grass. While cutting the grass I decided to change the oil in my 4 speed Super Bee when I was done with the yard work. Pulled my Bee out of the garage and put the race ramps in front of it. Drive the Bee up the ramp and chocked the rear wheels with my Belgium block make-shift chocks (my house is a Belgium block house). I changed the oil with Royal Purple HPS 10w-40 and realized after I drained the old oil that I needed a RP filter. Oh well, I will reuse the old one until Amazon gets a new one on the way (I love Amazon Prime). Pull the wheel chocks and instead of throwing them off to the side since the car was still on the race ramps I get the bright idea to put them in front of my garage where they sleep in the landscape. I drop the blocks and turn around to see my Bee starting to roll down the ramps and gaining speed. Luckily I was only a car length away. I ran and opened the door to smash the brake pedal just as it was at the end of my driveway. Now of course my neighbor is laughing at me as it was a close call. He offered to help me push it up the driveway and I 'forgot' to mention to him as he was pushing that all I had to do was start the car and drive it back up the 30 feet. I must have taken it out of gear as I was certain I had the emergency brake on with it in first gear. It could have been worse.