What kind of upgrades ?
did they do any rules changes too ?
I know Bobtile is stepping up, with his acquired little anorexic light weight `cuda
But also sometimes going faster, doesn't mean you'll win in bracket racing thou,
IMO could be, roles will be reversed, he'll be chasing the competition down now...
Not the other way around...
Faster you go seems to be harder to be consistent & still win on a regular basis...
I wish him the best of luck...
Haven't seen or heard from SSR/Chris for a long time either...
Not sure what's up & what's going on, we need the inside scoop,
feeling were hurt I guess...
Last I saw SSR was getting his Big Cube All Alum. Hemi redone again, oiling issues, ,lifter & parts problems IIRC,
losing oil pressure & hurt the engine...
I'm not really sure what's up or why they don't post here hardly ever anymore...
I wish him luck too...
I don't do Facebook or Yellowbullet
or even FABO rarely so I'm not up on the recent gossip or latest scuttlebutt...