Well-Known Member
I have always found some of the items confusing as far as dating. I recently acquired a 383 4bbl intake, casting 2806301 and was just curious as to the date. Above the casting number is larger raised letters, 2A there is no day/night casting pointer....there is the clock data with a hump just outside the hour ring between 1 and 2 and another hump outside at second hump. The date tag has the left screw the number 8 appears to be the - and then the number 5 (*8-5*) where * is screw head. There are no other numbers or letters that I can find. Beneath is a large 4 on the aft runner rear of center. As this casting is for 68/69 does one determine the actual year and is the 8-5 actually August 5th. I went to the MMC Detroit page but then there is no clear example of my intake...most have the M/D/Y format and the day night pointer. Confusing for sure. Thanks for any help/light to actual date.