even an 'alleged traitor'
(IMO more an insider/whistleblower, that ran to Russia, no extradition
to not be imprisoned for life probably for doing so,
by opening pandora's box, spilling the beans on our "intel' agencies/spys
dealings, unconstitutional acts & spying on general citizens,
without warrants/cause, thanks to the so-called Patriot Act, (others too)
from the kneejerk reaction of 9/11 it gave them,
The so-called 'intel' agencies 'cart blanch' to spy willy-nilly, on
political campaigns like 2016 & 2020 & taxpayer, nontaxpayers
& persons/citizens or illegal none citizens, without constitutional -
1st, 2nd & 4th amendments protections,
under 'the blanket Giese of Terrorism', to spy on anyone & everyone,
even a sitting & former POTUS thanks to #43 & #44, expanding on it, abuses)
he brings up some very valid points of view/truths