That poll should have an accident as a choice maybe too... not my choice thou
I think he killed her, that's a fact, he's the person who shot her, he's not innocent in my eyes...
There's a difference between innocent & not guilty of murder...
IMHFO it's not like the alleged double murderer O.J. Simpson thou,
that was a double homicide & a complete & utter travesty/mockery,
sensationalized media hype, from day one, car chase, lies, money & playing the race card,
is what got him off...
Them jurors, judge & all the lawyers alike, were complete idiots,
OJ is/was allegedly Guilty as hell, in my eyes, no matter what the outcome of the trial was,
the case was on TV constantly, merely pandering to the liberal inner-city masses & LA media,
most of those involved now have written books, too... Profiting off a tragedy, murder of 2 people...
They made a mockery of our US/California's justice system...
Pistorius/he's not done yet, he can still supposedly be tried under a different charge,
wrongful death, negligent manslaughter or outright manslaughter etc.
or something like that, lessor charges, in his home country still...
I do feel bad for the families of the victims involved, in both cases, they both got screwed...