Well-Known Member
Well on Wednesday My wife and I went to the bank. I cashed in my stocks to put up a new carport and parking pad. Then some was going to go into the Coronet. Disc brakes new wheels. Well we were discussing how to take care of a few bills as well. We talked for about 30 minutes but had not made any plans (or so I thought). So Thursday morning comes along and I decide to clear out or credit cards and help our credit rating. I was proud of my self for paying off the debt we owed :jerk:. Well my then comes in and says she is going to pay a couple of bills that were on schedule (normal budget routine) to be paid and I said no problem; my first mistake. She then asked me if I wanted to look at what she was paying I said no since they were on schedule; My second mistake. So she then asks me to run to the post office and drop them in the mail; My third boo boo. So I get back and she said that she was so glad we could pay off those bills today and did I want to pay the credit cards too? In a blink of an eye my carport, pad and upgrades to the Coronet went puff
MAGE:! She had taken our talk the day before as we are going to do this, not what options do we have. Lesson learned: Never discuss money and pay any bills without consulting your other half and what they understand. Damn that hurt.....