The spell check seems to cause a few issues after using it, sometimes it will redirect you to the forum, after correcting spelling issues, when you click back on the thread, boom it's gone & usually only when after you try to edit before it's posted, but only after using the spell check, it gone instead of posting the thread, just a glitch I guess... My brother in law is an expert IT/Computer guy he said "don't worry it's nothen' "... But you can sometime just go back & restore you post, if it auto-saved before the issues happened, or you just loose the most recent stuff & not all of the thread/post... I get the "leave this page" window almost every time I post a thread, unless it's a very short response, I do some lengthy posts sometimes...LOL... after I click on the "post quick reply" tab, I then click "yes" & it takes a few seconds at most, then loads the post/thread onto the forum... I figured it was the Mods just censoring or filtering, us with some sort of delay to see if we had stuff they don't like or something along those lines, "Big Brother is watching" it's only been in the last few months mostly, I know keep all my computer files, cookies, & history etc., cleaned regularly too, so it's not that....