I'm kind of scratching my head with this one. I installed Mopar electronic ignition on a crate Hemi in an early B body. A new problem crept up yesterday when I tried to drive it. Measuring the voltage across the battery is slightly over 12v. I checked the alternator and it's outputting 13.5-13.7, so I know it's not the alternator, swapped with a new one anyway.
I've also swapped out the voltage regulator with a new one, same problem. I have about 1000 miles on the car with no issues.
I've double checked the body ground and battery cables (everything was new).
Have any of you guys seen this problem before?
I've also swapped out the voltage regulator with a new one, same problem. I have about 1000 miles on the car with no issues.
I've double checked the body ground and battery cables (everything was new).
Have any of you guys seen this problem before?