Back when TV was worth watching! Rip Lumpy!
Yep, one of the great all time shows. RIP Lumpy.
June to Ward...I think the Beaver is needing some attention. Ward to June...ok, I'll get right on it...
Been watching that show lately and can't believe how many I either don't remember or just didn't see. RIP Lumpy....
I think I remember the ticket show...but that could have been me remembering the one I got at 12:30am! No lights, no registration and speeding. Actually, he let me off but made me push the cart back home which wasn't that close. Had to ask the cop if he had a screw driver so I could get the belt off my suicide clutch so I could push it without the motor starting up lol. He said to just pull the plug wire but gave me one after I pushed it about 200 feet. I guess he figured that was enough punishment....I've seen em all I don't know how many times but it was and is just a great show. I especially like the few where wally was fixin up an old car .. wish there had been more of that, but loved the show. ... just thought about the time the beav had a go cart on the road and got a speeding or some kind of ticket. Anyone remember that one?
I think I remember the ticket show...but that could have been me remembering the one I got at 12:30am! No lights, no registration and speeding. Actually, he let me off but made me push the cart back home which wasn't that close. Had to ask the cop if he had a screw driver so I could get the belt off my suicide clutch so I could push it without the motor starting up lol. He said to just pull the plug wire but gave me one after I pushed it about 200 feet. I guess he figured that was enough punishment....