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Made in America for dummies like me

Great video...Its good to email companies that sell chinese garbage and tell them why you will never buy from them again but from their Made in the USA competitors if you can find any..
Great simple concept, but look at cars as an example; Chrysle in particular. They are owned by Italians and they build many vehicle in Mexico & Canada utilizing parts from other countries. What are you supposed to do?

As far as other purchasable items; you're lucky if .01% of the poulation will ever follow through.
Sometimes manufacturers have their own reasons. As far back as 1992 the Ford Crown Victoria was classed by the EPA as in import because the majority cost of the pieces in it were outsourced, despite the final assembly in America. Ford built it that way on purpose, by deliberately picking high value items (such as the dash board assembly) so the cars low gas mileage wouldn't be lumped in with the rest of the companies domestic run, so the average corporate fuel efficiency looked higher.

As for Chrysler, well...if everyone in America and Canada bought some Fiat stock, soon the majority ownership would be ours no matter where the head office is. Unfortunately they're at a 52 week high on the market right now but about 9 billion Euros should do the trick. :)
SO whats wrong with having it built in Canada??? Its a proven fact that the quality of labour from Canada is superior, But Mexico.... There you go Free trade you can thank YOUR government for that one.
buying just made in the USA or even our friends to the North, with Canadian made products, is good for all of us, who live here anyway {I don't care about the rest of the world, we seem to protect or always take care of anyway}, we who would like to see jobs come back, people off welfare or food stamps & the country/s both thrive again, the crappy economy improve, debt be decreased, more money in the coffers for infrastructure, instead of politicians/pork pet projects... But it takes a real effort, not a bunch of excuses, why you can't do it... I know I try & it does take slightly more effort, slightly more time to find products, also slightly little more money in some cases... But we need more of an effort from all of us, to actually turn the tide, stop the exporting/outsourcing of our North American/USA jobs... We also need to get rid of our current type tax & spend style of leadership, pushing the economy over the cliff, pilling on reg.'s laws & std.'s that are not friendly to our businesses at-least in the USA... We don't want dirty air & water {contrary to what the main stream leftist socialist media will tell you} just more reasonable regulations & lower taxes, that supports a business friendly environment, for owners & workers alike... Instead of over regulation, skyrocketing labor costs, public sector fed. & state unions & private sector union corruption & sweetheart govt. deals to big campaign supporters, funds taken from the dues of the workers without the consent of the union members... We currently have highest corporate taxation & political corruption, driving most all consumers or people/businesses/corp.'s away from the USA products & depleting our labor force, for sustainable profit... Forcing corp.'s to outsource, to be able to compete & be profitable, pay stock holders dividends etc. {very important part of business, take car of your investors}, especially with all the cheap foreign crap, that is now imported to the USA & Canada/North America, flooding our stores with cheap made crap... That many people seem to care more about a cheap priced {inferior quality allot of time too} foreign made product instead of North American/USA pride & work in the country, feeding our families, neighbors & communities... And not made in China, Mexico, Japan, Indonesia or where ever else, because stupid non business friendly govt. reg.'s/taxes have force outsourcing... ok off my soap box for now...
I've been trying to do this for a while now. You can also do a good deed by making a trip to a local vendor instead of going to walmart. I realize Americans work at walmart but it's just feeding the corporate monster. For me it's not about the money savings, I just hate going to crowded stores and never having anyone for customer service. I gladly shop local business people and keep Ma and Pa places open. It's usually better quality anyways.
I've been trying to do this for a while now. You can also do a good deed by making a trip to a local vendor instead of going to walmart. I realize Americans work at walmart but it's just feeding the corporate monster. For me it's not about the money savings, I just hate going to crowded stores and never having anyone for customer service. I gladly shop local business people and keep Ma and Pa places open. It's usually better quality anyways.

I know of several people who wont step foot into a Walmart store for this reason and the way they treat their employees in regards to making sure they don't get quite enough hours to have to pay benifits. I myself have drastically cut back on what I spend there also.
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