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Main seal front and rear


Well-Known Member
Local time
10:03 PM
Jan 18, 2019
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Here there and everywhere.
Hey there guys I'm looking for some advice.lve got a 73 satellite sebring with a 318 in it l only bought the car last September drove it a couple of times then it was stored in a heated building until l went to pick it up last Saturday. The owner of the building sent me a text along with a picture of underneath the front end saying I had better bring some" fluids " when l was coming for it so l loaded up with everything I could think off tranny fluid/ power steering fluid- engine oil too some antifreeze as well just in case. So when my son and l got there we pulled out the pieces of cardboard l had taken with me along with the stuff the owner gave me at the time l parked her and wow it was covered with engine oil! ( check out the enclosed picture) Anyway l ended up getting it towed to my local garage. So today l went in and spoke with the mechanic he reckons it could be both the front and rear main seal that's gone so guys my question is how big of a job will it be to replace them both and will the engine need to be removed? Also how much is it gonna cost? I'd really appreciate any comments on this matter thanks again, sebring

Front and rear main seal? There’s only one crank seal in the rear or main seal. Front would be timing cover and then there’s the oil pan.

Engine should probably be pulled and completely resealed if your going to do rear main and front cover seal. Oil pan will get done if rear main gets done.

If you can get the pan off in the car you probably don’t need to pull it but it may save time from as much stuff that needs to come apart.

Cost? Good question. Probably no less than 15-20 hours.
Remember that fluid flows downhill and It was sitting for 8 months. How does a main seal leak like that with the engine off?

Was it leaking while you were driving it around?

Start with the easiest. This car was sitting and not running and it leaked. So we start with the oil drain plug gasket. Nothing else is going to leak that much while sitting.

Yes it “could” be the front and rear seal are leaking. I’d remove the car from that shop in a hurry.

Did you wipe it down fill the oil, start it and check for leaks?

Are you for sure it’s engine oil? Start it up and put trans in N and check that level also.

There is a seal in the front cover that seals against the balancer. So yes there is a front main/crank seal. Some call it that, you can Call it whatever you like.
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...There is a seal in the front cover that seals against the balancer. So yes there is a front main/crank seal.

Engine Anatomy Class is in session... The rear crankshaft seal is referred to as the "Rear Main Seal" because the seal is in or behind the rear main cap, thus the rear MAIN seal. The front seal is located in the timing cover, and is therefore referred to as the "Timing Cover Seal".

Other than that, I agree with everything else you said...
Does it have one of those 90 degree oil filter adapters, could leak there or oil filter gasket. Easy stuff first.
Did you take a look at your actual oil level and see how much actually leaked and how low it was? You’d be surprised how little oil actually makes cardboard look soaked. I had a car weep a bit, but on cardboard you’d swear it had 3 quarts come out of it. I’d run the damn thing like R413 said and keep an eye on it and see where it’s actually leaking. Maybe it’s a small weep that just needs tightening and/or running to seal up the leak just from use. These cars that sit all start leaking from dry seals and low use.
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I had a 360 that leaked right where the curve starts between the block and oil pan. I jacked up the front, cleaned thoroughly and put some rtv on it. Never leaked again.
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