I go to the Mopar Nats every year. My son in law won a door prize. Couldnt believe out of all of the people that goes to the nats he got his name drawn. While I was in the swap meet area my friend was with him and we always pull jokes on each other. He texted me and said he won a door prize. I asked him what it was he comes back with a sticker lol. I thought that was pretty good joke and wished I would of thought of that myself. I texted back seriously what did you win, he comes back with a sticker Yea ok I will find out later. Well come to find out that was what he won a TCI sticker all the money they make and the give away a sticker for a door prize. I bought 3 tickets for 60 dollars, 150 in gas, a sandwitch for us twice and pop twice which came to six sandwitches and six pops, 72 dollars I also spent 357 dollars on parts and all the give you is a sticker from Tci When we were getting ready to leave a lady got her name drawn guess she got. What? you guessed it another TCI sticker talking about C H E A P I bet their pockets were full after they left Sunday.