For us that like,Custom Dashes,looks great!!!When I did the 63 Fury,,used the same location of stock instruments but made new aluminum panel the same size as stock,with new same size holes and location but new Autometer Pro Stock gauges ,5 1/2"-160mph speedo,3 1/2" rpm tac,and new Autometer 2 1/2",temp,oil,,volts All in same location and size ,even glued on old plastic center pieces to each gauge,,looked great and you had to look twice to tell if it was stock or not!Sorry ,looked for, pics but couldn't find,but hope you get the idea! Also ,held on with only 4 ss machine bolts and Quick connectors for wiring which made it sooo easy to get behind dash .,,2,minutes not two hours,, This was a old trucker thing,when we had finger screws and hinge dash,cheers