Well-Known Member
Just picked up my Coronet R/T from garage, he replaced the brake booster that fell apart inside when he took it off, he sent away to be refurbished at a cost of $379.00 plus taxes, I don't think there was anything left in there at that price. Anyway felt good to have good brakes for first time, did a little burn and left to go to grandson's lacrosse game 20 mins away, got down road about 10 mins and the car started to shake like a flat tire, I stopped got out and checked they looked ok, got back in went on into town got gas, paid came out went to move to go to arena, car did not want to move without giving it gas, I had window down I could hear rear tire dragging, I pulled across street and got out. Put my hand near drums and front discs there was a lot of heat coming off of all them , with the rear being the hottest. Had to come home get trailer and wait until Tuesday to get hold of Mechanic to find out what happen. Any you guy's got ideas, can a booster hold pressure on, I would not think all 4 brakes would stick at same time, anyway they did let go for me to put car on trailer, hoping I have not warped anything? Not having a good day. Trying to get car ready to sell, I think I have bought another Mopar, done the way I was going to put this one. How does a GTX compare to a Coronet R/T same year?
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