The off season of stripped plug holes, cracked crank shaft, cracked frame rail, bent coil over springs,and leaking shocks is over. I am Determined to make it to the Dave Duell Classic in Bowling Green. Got the car running last Friday but we had weekend family plans. The past days in Michigan have been nothing but cold and rain. Fortunately the rain band slid south of the Mid Michigan Motorplex. Left this morning in pouring rain and 41 degree temp for the first half of the 2 hour plus trip. But the track was dry. First hit out of the box [email protected]. second quickest pass with the Eddy carbs ever. It backs up with a [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected], [email protected] Quickest ever but no 8.99. Then on to getting data to slow it down for 9.25 index next weekend.
1st run 9.049
2nd run 9.124
3rd run 9.490, oops went to far
4th run 9.235, close
5th run 9.224, same setting as a back up
Would've tried for the 8.99 after these but the front end hasn't been aligned since the entire front suspension was R&R to repair the frame rail. Back in the box and off to align it in the morning. Pretty happy with how it ran. we'll see next weekend.
1st run 9.049
2nd run 9.124
3rd run 9.490, oops went to far
4th run 9.235, close
5th run 9.224, same setting as a back up
Would've tried for the 8.99 after these but the front end hasn't been aligned since the entire front suspension was R&R to repair the frame rail. Back in the box and off to align it in the morning. Pretty happy with how it ran. we'll see next weekend.