The only way you'll find anything like that is by searching your area for old dealerships that are closed up and might still have records inside that building. Current Chrysler dealers have no interest in archiving such records. In my area, the old Chrysler dealership locations that physically still exist, are different businesses. One is a U-Haul dealer, another a boat dealer, and a third has been Dodge, then Chevy, then Dodge again, but they have absolutely zero archives of any kind. The fourth is a buy-here, pay-here scam car lot. The other four I can think of vanished from the face of the Earth, having been bulldozed in the Eighties. Remember, our cars are anywhere from forty-five to sixty years old. The likelihood of finding old sales info and the like in 2021 is as close to zero as you can get. You're certainly not going to be able to use a search engine to find a single source that has these sort of records. Takes good, old-fashioned detective work. Good luck in your quest.