Well-Known Member
I fnally got back into Mopars and started working on the ones I have. But there are others I would like to have and so I check out prices from time to time. I can't believe what people are asking for Valiants, Darts, and even 66 Coronets with the old poly 318 (the Coronet is one of my favorite). I used to work for a city in the Bay area o California and had it staked out block by block which old Mopar was where. I had a "in" with several tow companies who tipped me off when they had an impound no one claimed which is how I got my 66 Valiant convertible and 68 Barracuda. But I was also stupid in letting too many get away. A tow company took in a white over red 65 Plymouth Sport Fury, red interior, factory conole tach, 383, sway bars, and in great condition. He was going to sell it to me for $80 bucks but I let my girlfriend talk me out of it. She's gone and I wish I had that car. Next up was a 68 Charger. Red with a black interior. It was a 383 with 160K miles but ran great. It needed pain, interior repairs, and engine rebuild but had NO RUST. The owner ran an auto garage and offered it to me for $800 bucks. I was all set to buy it when I let the mechanics who worked on city vehicles, police cars, fire trucks, etc, talk me out of it. He told me I'd be putting a grand into the suspension on a car like that. So stupid me passed it up not stopping to think any old car will need suspension work. Next I bought a 69 Sport Satellite for the Magnum 500 wheels. It was B5 blue, 20door, auto, and I put a really pumped 383 in it that I had bought. Man was it fast. Had a huge light pole dent n the left rear quarter. I also had that 68 Barracuda. A "friend," who I didn't know as well as I thought started his own garage. He offered to build by slant six Barracuda into a 340 monster in return for the Satellite. So I gave him the car. Then he disappeared. Seems the FBI was looking for him. He had gotten heavy into cocaine and became a dealer. All I found of my car was the engine and tranny. Last, I decided to move out of California and to the midwest. I left my 2 door 65 Dart 273 with my youngest brother in Fresno. After I moved, he sold it and kept the money too. On top of that, a guy I knew working for Firestone offered me his 66 Satellite two door. Black top, yellow car, black interior...for $900 bucks. He forgot about the deal and when I came by with the cash he did an Oh I forgot and already sold it. Now rust buckets are going for big bucks and I wish I had not let these cars ever get way.