Research it well before you jump in. I hate to constantly be the one putting the TKO down but I feel it's my duty to share my experience so nobody makes the same mistake. First off unless you don't care about the tranny pointing down creating pinion angle issues, fan shroud clearance problems and headers hanging lower you'll have to cut the cross member. 2nd is the tranny itself does not shift very well for a performance application, more like a truck. These are known issues and they very well may have fixed the shift issue so just do your homework. I have no experience with the Passon tranny but my understanding is its basically all fit into an 833 case so fitment should be of no issue.
This is the one big problem with Keisler, and since I've started talking to Silver Sport I've learned that pinion and driveshaft angles are the one huge area that everyone at SST wanted to fix. One of the guys told me specifically that they wanted this fixed, especially with Mopars, or they didn't want to be a part of this. The owner of SST and I have become friends through this endeavor and I can tell you with full certainty that they are committed to making these Tremecs fit properly - and the right way. Anyone considering a Tremec in their Mopar, I urge you to contact them and let them know this is a concern, and let them tell you what they've done to remedy this problem. Even Sam at TTi Exhaust mentioned this to me about the Keisler AOD, but SST is re-engineering a lot of kits to fix this, as well as to put the shifter in the proper location, too.
As for my OD, I'm getting about 60-65 miles more per tank full of gas... and I've racked up about 5-6k miles each year, so this will definitely be worth it. I think with some fine tuning of my EFI and keeping the speeds about 65 I might get a little better than 17 MPG... we'll see. But I do love the way this trans works, and the adjustable shift points and firmness are great to have.
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OZMercury... what a conversion... that's a lot of work you're doing, but sounds pretty cool. My gearing is at 3.06, 1.63, 1.00, 0.70. I thought the low gear set I had on my 727 was low, but this one was even lower. It's pretty quick off the line, and where I used to get a chirp in second before, I'm now getting a little sideways kick and some 2nd gear spinning. It's definitely nicer to cruise at 70 and see just over 2100 RPM instead of nearly 3400.