I had bought a Flaming River steering column for my 4 spd roadrunner since the last owner sold the original to a buddy of his. I had gotten the new u-joint that connects to the power steering pump stub shaft, and a big aluminum brace that they charged me $75.00 for that i am assuming is for bracing it under the dash. The problems i have are A). The brace doesn't fit for [Edited by Moparts - Family Friendly Site - Keep it clean]. It holds the column alot farther down than usual (like 2-3 inches too far) and i dont have any of the original bracing. I also think the new column is a smaller diameter so if i had the original stuff, it may be too loose. And B). the shaft is too long (at least 2-4 inches). Can i adjust this some how with a slip joint somewhere on the column or do i just carefully measure and cut off the excess. Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Bret