Anyone out there had a problem with ping while using an Edelbrock sp2p intake manifold?
Maybe 2500 RPM. LOLI agree with R413 the SP2P is a gas crunch intake designed for more mileage, not performance. The ports are very small and restrictive and that can cause a super lean cylinder (ping). It is probably good to about 4500 rpm and then your all done!!!
Anyone out there had a problem with ping while using an Edelbrock sp2p intake manifold?
Anyone out there had a problem with ping while using an Edelbrock sp2p intake manifold?
IMO.....Your thread title is misleading. Pre ignition and detonation are entirely different problems. Pre-ignition is caused by "glowing" or incandescent carbon particles igniting the fuel charge ahead of the spark at the spark plug electrodes. Detonation is caused by the advancing flame front, originated by the spark plug, travelling across the combustion chamber. Opposite the advancing flame front, the remaining fuel charge is being compressed, to the point of auto-ignition (like a Diesel engine), due to low octane fuel, not gring able to withstand the increasing pressure, spontaneously ignites, travelling across the face of the combustion chamber. When the two flame fronts collide, the resulting shock wave results in the sound you hear, subjecting the piston to tremendous additional pressures, both in thrust load and crown and ring land pressure loads and extremely high temp loads. High operating temps also contribute to the possibility of detonation. Continued detonation usually results in melted spark plug electrodes followed by holes in the pistons. People often say the noise (pinging sound) they hear, are the valves rattling....incorrect... as at the instant of combustion, both valves are closed. Detonation is the most damaging condition. Most of the time, correct-able with proper ignition advance, correct fuel mixture ratio and distribution uniformity and octane levels to prevent detonation in the first place. Pre-ignition and detonation are the result of issues not the cause, a classic example of the cause-effect principle. Just my opinion of course....