Deceased, But not forgotton
after giving the bottom of the dodge a good inspection and seeing there is just painted rust holding it together I've decided to make it a hot rod Dodge, work is slow as at 78 and injuries** I can only work 1/2 to 1 hour and then rest 2-3-4 hours, it hurts but it is still fun..
** injuries -I tripped in the garage trying to clean it (ironic) and ran a piece of angle iron through my calf, ouch. had I incurred the injuries pre tear down of dodges I'd have just sold it.
point moot, just getting this ready to pep up the dodge back half.. it was a pre bent chassis but there was no room for coil overs, I cut out a section behind the differential flipped it over -lot of room now.

** injuries -I tripped in the garage trying to clean it (ironic) and ran a piece of angle iron through my calf, ouch. had I incurred the injuries pre tear down of dodges I'd have just sold it.
point moot, just getting this ready to pep up the dodge back half.. it was a pre bent chassis but there was no room for coil overs, I cut out a section behind the differential flipped it over -lot of room now.