Just remember tranny fluid burns pretty easy
Fuel line will not work for that application. It will swell and burst in no time. He needs power steering return hose......IF he's going to put rubber hose in it. I recommend hard lining it back like it was. Anything else is jerry riggin.
yeah...kinda. im not sure if theyre "neoprene" ..but i told the dude at NAPA that tranny fluid was gonna run thru them and i didnt want no problems. so far so good. no leaks no issues no runs no hits NO ERRORS !. i cut the steel lines about 4 inches away from the radiator ( they were a mangled MESS from the previous owner ).., right in front of the K member...ran them to a tranny cooler..... used good clamps and i dont have a problem with it and dont foresee one either.So you're saying, instead of the steel lines, you substituted them out for neoprene?