I have a '67 Belvedere with a 383 4 sp with 10" drums brakes. While driving I was turning a corner the rear brakes dragged me to a stop. I checked the wheels & they were not hot. I drove the rest of the way home. Once stopped there the smoke just poured out from both rear wheel wells. The rear drums were 395 degrees. I removed the wheel & drum & noticed that both the front & rear shoe were expanded out away from the centering post. The drum would not go back on. I bled the brake fluid & the shoes closed allowing the drum to be put back on. I took the car to a brake place were they replaced all the springs, adjusters & hardware & rear shoes. The rear drums were turned. Also the brake line from the front valve to the rear drums was replaced. This includes the rubber hose over the differential. The problem is that the rear brakes still heat up. A short trip will heat the rear to over 200 degrees. The front are always less than 90 degrees. The rear wheels turn freely while turning them off the ground. The rear adjusters are to the point where the brake pedal is almost mushy. I have check the rear end fluid level, even the vent on the top of the rear end. Can anyone think of a reason why this is happening. Thanks. Ray