These are very easy to do.
First, the chrome piece is part of the window glass.
Second, the rubber seal slides into the chrome piece from the bottom, as its held in by the channel of the chrome parts.
Step 1, take the glass out of the car look on the bottom of the chrome, there is a tab that holds the rubber in the channel. Be careful, that tab is easy to break off, and if you do, no biggie, just use a small screw to secure the new rubber in place when you get to that step.
Step 2, pull the rubber down and out of the channel, it may need some coaxing because of all the dirt and crap stuck in the channel and I found by pulling down then back up a few times will loosen it up enough eventually it will slide all the way out.
Step 3, clean the channel out on the chrome pieces, then use either some dish soap or white grease and lube the new rubber and the channel, slide it back in, bend the tab back in place and reinstall the glass into the car!