Thanks for the quick responses. I need the rear guide that the glass runs up-n-down. this is like the HDTP but is thinner. and the window top stop. L shaped bracket w/ a rubber band. the headliner sails are like the charger ones, but are shorter. my other RR, 68 (RM-21) also has the same bows. I sold that car and didn't know I was missing these on this RR. or I can build them. also no pics I could find on the web!
I have pics of the door parts from the other door, but can't load them (file to big)
I sent you a pic and info on the upstop, but I am out of the rear track for the post right now.
Here is a pic of the headliner sail panel claws that I removed and sold recently from a 69 RM 21 Road Runner that was never taken apart previously. I have also seen these made right in the roof structure from the factory. Just can't remember which of the 3 years 68-70.