ty, just added my information too... did you post this at the roadrunnersnest?
and no offense, but the one sentence write up for roadrunners after 1972 is a real slap in the face. seriously almost kind of pisses me off right there. The roadrunner badge ran all the way up into the late 70's with the volare, but there is no mention of that anywhere.
You see, I dont want to ride your butt too hard here, but this is the typical BS that I get from all 68-70 RR/Charger/GTX (b body's in general) guys.. if it didnt happen in 68-70..well then there is not much to want to write up.. or even research for that matter. It is like the 72/73+ guys dont even fricken exist.
In closing, you NEED to update your website to be all-inclusive with ALL roadrunners or you can just delete my information that I sent you. I would rather my information not be involved with the website if you do not go ahead and make it more equitable for all the years of roadrunners.. especially on your HISTORY page.