Heading to Elemers museum in Fountain City Wisconsin. Only 3 cars on this trip. Will post some pictures later
Yeah, I thought that was kind if odd as well.They were not wanting anyone to take pics though.
Sorry to hear the wing cars are now gone.What a great day!!! Left at 7:30 am and got home 8:55 pm.
Beth’s twin bluff cafe, delicious breakfast. Cool cars, was a little disappointed the wing cars were gone. Atomic pizza tonight that was also quite good.
340 miles
Sure am glad I got to go see Elmer's before the kids sold off all his cars. It was pretty cool.Apologies for reviving this thread, but I wanted to give my two cents. Thanks for sharing the photos! It looks like you had a great time. Road trips are always such exciting experiences. The Elemers Museum must have been a real treat.
On a side note, I'm actually planning an exciting trip around Europe myself. I've been exploring the train schedules for the near future at dbfahrplan.com/de/ and it's been quite helpful. It's amazing how many incredible places we can discover by train. Can't wait to embark on this adventure!