Active Member
when i got the car, i got it to fire up ('68 440) and it actually ran great. have been tinkering with it and then i started having trouble firing it up.:confused5: was not getting fuel. checked the filters (had 2 from fuel pump to carb lol) figured that was my problem. nope. used an elec. fuel pump to bypass the mecanical one. fired up!:grin: but now it had a bad miss. stared pulling wires found suspect #1 not firing. swapped plugs still dead. swapped wires, still dead. did a compression test and only 60lbs in the cyl. check the others all about 125.:icon_neutral: i have '69 440 freah rebuild with a 292 509 purple shaft. i just feel like i didn't get that good of a deal now. was hoping to drive it for a while before doing a swap. oh well $&it happens. i guess it will be easier to put the headers on it. thanks for letting me cry on your shoulders lol:tearyeyed: