I fell sorry for you guy back east, we get tons of snow here to in the Sierras but it's much higher up in elevation right now, we will get our share of snow for sure, I truly hate the crap, it ruins everything... We had a late snow last year, lots of leafs starting to grow, wet late winter/early spring storm, took out thousands of trees up here, we were with out power for 7 days & the again for 5 days in a 3 week span of time, then at least 10 more days over the next month, we have a good generator so it wasn't to bad {except for fuel costs}, we could run the HW heater & furnace alone or un plug the furnace & run the fridge & micro & TV/Sony Playstation/DVD, but phone lines & cable were down/out for almost 3 full weeks, just in that 1 storm, there were other bad storms just not as long 3 or 4 days for power outages, cable & phone, it makes the days really long, if all you can do for entertainment is play old videos & cards especially with a half crocked old man etc... The worst part is all the store & gas stations are out of power also, unless they have emergency generator back up & most don't... Stay warm & dry guys...