72 charger
Well-Known Member
After finally getting my 8 3/4 installed in my 72 charger I naturally went to bleed the brakes. First I tried to gravity bleed them and after a while I got the fluid to press through and closed up all the bleeders after not seeing any bubbles for quite a while. Took the car out for a spin and the pedal was unbelievably soft. I came back and check all connections front and rear. Rear had some fluid so I tightened them down and tried again with the bleeding. Same result as before. Test ran again still very soft. Then tried to actually bleed them with someone pumping the brakes. Got no air out solid fluid. Checked connections again no leaks. Test run still very soft with the brake light coming on at various times not continuous. Today we again tried bleeding the brakes went over every connection once again and still the pedal is very soft. The only issue that we can notice is when you depress the pedal it seems the booster makes a squeaking noise almost. Like perhaps there is a malfunction in the booster? I'm not familiar with the booster innards. But im baffled as to why we cannot attain a hard pedal. Any suggestions?