Deceased, But not forgotton
Every since the new upgrade has been done if I try to comment or add to a post another member has posted I type my message and when I hit the post button I get a message that says I am not allowed to do that because I am not logged in. The page also shows me to be logged in but tells me to log in or refresh the page. This is very aggravating as when i refresh the page then all the stuff i have typed is gone and I either have to start all over again or just forget about it. I am a person that types with just one big fat finger so when I have to start all over again I most usually get aggravated as I am one of those guys that feel that I have just wasted my time, (at my age I have none to waste). I have just burned an hour and a half trying to post an answer to a question posted by another member, so please tell me where i have been lead astray.