If you really want them, sounds more like, not necessarily need them
You can go a different route & do tubular UC arms now
do a set of tubular LC arms later, than add a tubular K-member
latter down the road too, if budget is a big dictator...
I did the QA1 route for front suspension, with SPC double adj. UCA
both products are at great price point & can do a bit at a time if need be,
albeit I purchased all at the same time...
I've used the old Capps Automotive stuff a couple times in the past
{QA1 bought the out, pretty much same product}
Had great luck & success with them too, basically bolt in too,
easy peasy, there are far more stuff out there to chose from,
check out different mfgrs stuff...
RMS or even Magnum Force Racing stuff is nice too,
but it's a big hit at once too, more pricey, but nice if you can swing it...
Ride-tech has some decent rear suspension stuff also,
basically bolt in & affordable for the most part...
So does Magnum force racing...
CalTracs is a great option, unless your going fast enough
to justify a real coil-over & ladderbar or real racing 4 link set-up...
I've been in the 8's on CalTracs
You shocks are a very important part of the ultimate selection too
S/S leaf springs are a decent choice for the budget minded too...
IMO for a 50/50 street car, you don't need the most expensive stuff either
especially to run in the 12's, basically a moderately modified OE suspension
can easily do that too...
Trick parts look nice & weight less, far more adjustable,
ride height, center of gravity, weight per wheel etc.
but from what your looking to do,may be better spending the money on other parts,
they're not necessary, to run 12's
I'd say lighten up the car, it's far easier to run fast with a lighter car...
It's all about HP to weight ratios, more rotating mass/weight kills ET too...
Do a bit at a time front suspension now & rear later, visa versa etc...
Lots of companies to chose from, just do your research, due diligence...