:iamwithstupid: Probably not the best market tool, but he's getting exposure, it's negative, but it's exposure, almost any advertisement or exposure is good advertisement, even the lame & bad tasteless ones... Look at the Hollywood crowd for any example... The quality looks really good... The puppies or kittens in a sack idea, that would have gone over like a freaken' lead balloon, then you would have animal lovers, dog or cat lovers, animal rights activists, the SPCA or PITA on you, like white on rice... now that would be a wrath of hell, in biblical proportions... His photo/vinyl tailgate wrap, just has a few pissed off people, that don't have anything better to do than, make something out of nothing... IMHFO it's just bad judgment, not a good joke & bad choice of photos, trying to show his print quality... He did apologize too... I'll give the guy a pass, I'm not sure what message he was trying to get across, with that bondage in the truck bed stuff... But like normal, some people will go completely over the top, with some of their responses &/or reactions, make it out to be something, that it really isn't, other than really bad taste in judgment, at-least he's out their trying to grow his business, building something & not just sitting on his butt, collecting a govt. check for doing absolutely nothing or spending all day on/or posting some lame comments on Facebook or some other crappy social media... I see far more misogynistic stuff everyday on the W-W-W... That's coming from a father of 3 girls, there is far more tasteless & offensive stuff, that goes on everyday & the multitudes whiners, just say absolutely nothing at all...
it should have had a caption like the ex-wife, I'm sure that would have been funny to some...
or a caption like unruly teenager, if you've ever raised any teenage girls, you would completely understand...