Seeing how that this is the first Hemi reunion being held at Tri State in Hamilton, ohio,(near Cinci.), and being put on by "The Chrysler Power Classic", there is nothing to compare it to. The people involved are all die hard Mopar people that have been in the Mopar show profession as promoters or big name vendors for at least 20 years. Jeff Johnson--Started the original Chrysler Classic, Jim Kramer--Kramers Restoration, out of Penn State, where you buy all your b-body parts, Roland, of Chrysler Power Magazine. These are only 3 of the names associated with this event, and if you were around in 2008, you will remember that Jim Kramer and another person from Calif. put on the huge 2008 show. Type in Hemi Reunion 2008 on your search and go to the Joe Grippo albums to see what Jim Kramer was involved in. You ask if this show will be big? The track has pits on both sides and it will be packed. Don't miss it. Leave your house now and be there soon.