It happens faster then you think ! Trains are extremely heavy sometimes it takes quite a bit of umff to get it rolling . The guy s running didn't realize they were spinning I guess (train's are very loud! Guy at work tore up the train track like that once he was fired on the spot ! He did it on purpose though thought the sparks at night would be cool ! Couldn't see how fast the metal disappeared ! Less then a minute I'd say
If this happened in less than a minute it must have been at rpms that would be hard to account for given the train is not moving.--Just saying---
Yes very high rpms . ,more then likely guy was an idiot doing it on purpose before he quit!
Most freight locomotives are speed limited to about 65 mph, you won't get more than a 500 rpm. wheel rotation with that (42" wheel).
Not many of them quit, they work hard to get that job because it pays fairly well. I talked to one of my old acquaintances a couple of months ago, he's still on the job. His pay every two weeks is $4,000 clear, after deductions.