Thanks Photon440, I should have been more to the point, by Inferring that Germany's current financial position is directly related to their financial obligations, or cost of doing business. The percentage of their annual budget for Military requirements and treaty obligations is quite small. 75% of NATO is American power, paid for by American taxpayers. They don't have a huge foreign aid program, and don't spend billions of dollar a year propping up Governments around the world. If Germany did so, the picture would be totally different. They truly are in an enviable position. Unfortunately America doesn't have anyone to lean on when the going gets tough. On the bright side, whenever I sell a German or a Frenchman a home that comes to America, they are amazed by the availability of so many nice big houses with multiple bathrooms and triple garages, not commonly available back home, and so many places to buy food or whatever they want. After travelling overseas it amazes me that Americans take so much for granted here. To sum it up, when I was a kid my German grandmother would say: Say what you want about us Germans, if nothing else we are certainly organized. my Father-in-law recently told me prior to passing in 2010 that during the War they always knew how close they were to a German town, as right after a battle the French would be nowhere in sight, , but the German civilians were already on the roofs of their houses fixing them that day.