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Those crafty Germans....

Craziness. Thanks for the video RC, now I have to stop by if I ever find myself over there.
Thanks RC/DH cool stuff, as a proud German Descent/American, I've always thought the Germans produced a great Automotive product, Great engineering... Porsche's are my favorites, but had a few VW Beatles too, had a cool 68 Baja Bug with a Judson Blown 1600cc dual port that would whoop up on V8's back in the day, much to their surprise... that's pretty fancy for an assembly plant, extremely clean, advanced tech. kind of Ferrari-esk, allot like the Kentucky Corvette Plant too, proud workers on display...
Great idea. Thanks for the post. Next they will have you watch while your car is built right in front of you. Drive it home that day...
It could be a krappy car, but thats not the point. Its the big picture..
As an engineer, (and owner of a US manufacturing company), it is very depressing to watch that.
That city was leveled in WW2, spent 4decades as DDR, and now look what they are able to do.
I go to germany alot, Im betting that most of the visitors/buyers at that factory are middle eastern, not the "Typical german couple" in the video
thats how they make the trade balance work. It is nearly impossible to find anything "made in china" in germany.
There's a reason why Germans continue to be leaders in industry! They identify and encourage their kids to be experts in their fields! Meaning, if a young boy shows interests in doing Mechanical work, he goes to Realschule, oder Hauptshule where the Trade(s) are taught! Unlike here in America where those skills are (rather were) shunned in the 70s and 80s are parents wanted their kids to be Doctors, Lawyers, etc. Plumbers, Electricians, Mechanics? Bah Humbug was the attitude! I know, from 1st hand exposure. And, I know this from living in Germany for 5 years and getting to know the Auto Karrosserie types; they're experts in their fields. Something we need to learn in the US.
There's a reason why Germans continue to be leaders in industry! They identify and encourage their kids to be experts in their fields! Meaning, if a young boy shows interests in doing Mechanical work, he goes to Realschule, oder Hauptshule where the Trade(s) are taught! Unlike here in America where those skills are (rather were) shunned in the 70s and 80s are parents wanted their kids to be Doctors, Lawyers, etc. Plumbers, Electricians, Mechanics? Bah Humbug was the attitude! I know, from 1st hand exposure. And, I know this from living in Germany for 5 years and getting to know the Auto Karrosserie types; they're experts in their fields. Something we need to learn in the US.

I dated a German girl for a while and that is exactly what she said - almost word for word. She was a seamstress.
Can I play devils advocate for a minute? The majority of Germans can't afford these cars. Most of them don't even own a car, and They live in constricted areas,and have fridges the size of a football. No central A/C, and Gas is 8.00 a gallon. The gap between rich and poor is huge. The U.S. has more soldiers in Texas than Germany has in the whole country. (160,000 by last estimate per the german Gov't)They don' have alliances, they don't support anybody, My cousin was USAF during the crisis in Bosnia 96' the Americans decimated the Serbs. The German reaction? where did the Americans get that technology? The Germans said, we are sucking hind TIT! They didn't care abut Sarajevo or the Serbs.
In Afghanistan they refused to fight. they were concerned with their two liters of beer a day. They were fat and overweight. Even the head of the German Army stated that they were an embarrassment to the country. They don't have alliances with over 100 countries in the world, like the U.S. No Japan problem, South Korea, etc. this costs a lot of money. The minute the Russians crank up the Natural gas price, they whine to us. If They were Invaded, they would come to us. That is the problem. all of Europe is the same. They are our problem, wether we like it or not. What would they do if a party came, and we decided not to come?

I would like to clarify, my Grandparents were 100% German. One of my Uncles landed on D day to fight Germans. My German Father-in-law was with the 20th Army and liberated the Nazi barracks in 1945.I have distant relatives that were in the German Army, and died fighting in France. Many Current policies in Germany are still based on laws originating in the 30's under Nazi Germany. We should all be paying more attention.

I hope I didn't offend anyone, these facts are easily verified, and just another perspective.
Monaco66coupe, you're certainly right that the majority of Germans can't afford these cars, but then again the majority of Americans, Canadians or anyone else can't afford them either. They're rather high end. And yes, gas is costly and housing is smaller than we're used to.

However, I visited Germany in 1965 and 1975, staying with various relations in different cities, and for the most part everyone was well off. Apartments, though not oversized, were well furnished and everyone had great stereo systems. With daily visits to the local markets, there was less need for large fridges. And most people I knew had one or two cars, or a car and a motorcycle. The streets were fairly crowded. As RC stated in the original post, they have a positive trade balance. When Greece or Spain, Poland or the eastern countries approach the IMF for bail out money, most of it comes from Germany.

But I do agree that they don't have an impressive army.

Satman72, it probably doesn't really matter if VW is losing money on every Phaeton that they make. It's a prestige car for them, just like Mercedes lost money on the Maybach. At least the Phaeton wasn't built from scratch, so they saved some costs. Sharing a platform with the Bentley Continental GT, and some Audi A8 drivetrains has meant that engineering put into the Phaeton is likely helping the other better established luxury cars. Sometimes companies do things just to maintain a market - Ford lost money on the Escort for example, but kept them cheap to keep up sales.

Anyway, back to the original point, people do appreciate good engineering. Even former enemies. A few years back while visiting London and the channel islands, I seemed like there were more VW, BMW and Mercedes vehicles on the roads than anything made in Britain.

I dated a German girl for a while and that is exactly what she said - almost word for word. She was a seamstress.

I too dated a German girl. She was a nein.

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It could be a krappy car, but thats not the point. Its the big picture..
As an engineer, (and owner of a US manufacturing company), it is very depressing to watch that.
That city was leveled in WW2, spent 4decades as DDR, and now look what they are able to do.
I go to germany alot, Im betting that most of the visitors/buyers at that factory are middle eastern, not the "Typical german couple" in the video
thats how they make the trade balance work. It is nearly impossible to find anything "made in china" in germany.

Not to mention that VW almost went under back in the early 80s.
The phaeton was/is a piece of crap. I have worked on a few. V8 and w12. As well as other vw's(I work at a vw/chrysler dealer). They are massed produced crap. The phaeton was doomed from the start. 90plus grand for a Volkswagen? They already make a high-end VW. Its called AUDI. Which incidentally is the name people want on their car when they drop that much cash to buy it.
Thanks Photon440, I should have been more to the point, by Inferring that Germany's current financial position is directly related to their financial obligations, or cost of doing business. The percentage of their annual budget for Military requirements and treaty obligations is quite small. 75% of NATO is American power, paid for by American taxpayers. They don't have a huge foreign aid program, and don't spend billions of dollar a year propping up Governments around the world. If Germany did so, the picture would be totally different. They truly are in an enviable position. Unfortunately America doesn't have anyone to lean on when the going gets tough. On the bright side, whenever I sell a German or a Frenchman a home that comes to America, they are amazed by the availability of so many nice big houses with multiple bathrooms and triple garages, not commonly available back home, and so many places to buy food or whatever they want. After travelling overseas it amazes me that Americans take so much for granted here. To sum it up, when I was a kid my German grandmother would say: Say what you want about us Germans, if nothing else we are certainly organized. my Father-in-law recently told me prior to passing in 2010 that during the War they always knew how close they were to a German town, as right after a battle the French would be nowhere in sight, , but the German civilians were already on the roofs of their houses fixing them that day.
The British brands have been bought by German auto makers. Now they start in the rain.

The Paternal name I was supposed to have is Oswald. Would not have been good to be an Oswald growing up in the 60's. I've ridden and owned Audi's, BMW bikes and cars. VW's. I think it's all overated.

The last best VW was the 67 Beetle that my Dad bought new for $1650. Savahna beige with a black interior.
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You realize that Volkswagen is loosing money on every Phaeton made.

Not as much as the VOLT's

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Thanks Photon440, I should have been more to the point, by Inferring that Germany's current financial position is directly related to their financial obligations, or cost of doing business. The percentage of their annual budget for Military requirements and treaty obligations is quite small. 75% of NATO is American power, paid for by American taxpayers. They don't have a huge foreign aid program, and don't spend billions of dollar a year propping up Governments around the world. If Germany did so, the picture would be totally different. They truly are in an enviable position. Unfortunately America doesn't have anyone to lean on when the going gets tough. On the bright side, whenever I sell a German or a Frenchman a home that comes to America, they are amazed by the availability of so many nice big houses with multiple bathrooms and triple garages, not commonly available back home, and so many places to buy food or whatever they want. After travelling overseas it amazes me that Americans take so much for granted here. To sum it up, when I was a kid my German grandmother would say: Say what you want about us Germans, if nothing else we are certainly organized. my Father-in-law recently told me prior to passing in 2010 that during the War they always knew how close they were to a German town, as right after a battle the French would be nowhere in sight, , but the German civilians were already on the roofs of their houses fixing them that day.

my Grandad told me the same thing, very work oriented, very proud people... even in defeat
Many Americans are work oriented too. As for VW....I know many that have problems with them with me included....and I learned to hate my 71 Super Beetle after many many months of problems and that sob came back like a bad penny after selling it. That said, I also spent time in Germany in the early 70's and remember the mechanics that hated the 914 Porsche (and other German made cars) and saying it was built for 'America' lol. Yeah, I also feel they have great technology but so so we but the main problem, north Americans do not demand it so we don't get much of it from our car companies but imo, our cars are much better today than they were 20-30 years ago. Heck, our Durango is 14 now and it has given us great service with very little attention and still runs great. My 95 Dakota is another vehicle that won't say die but I hate it lol but so long as the AC keeps working, I'll keep driving it. One more thing...VW isn't the only plant over there to do such a thing. Is it a sales ploy?? I dunno.....don't really care. I'll buy a Viper before buying one of those thangs.
Neat car plant. Never been to impressed with the VW & Audi mechanical quality. They usually have great fit and finished on the body & interiors but their power plants seem to always have problems. I drive a German car everyday so I like German cars but they can't complete with Lexus as far as longevity goes. I took a tour of the VW plant in Chattanooga and it was nothing like that plant.
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