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Today’s healthcare…WTF


FBBO Gold Member
FBBO Gold Member
Local time
2:10 PM
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
So today I had to re arrange my afternoon cause a guy I gave a job to could not meet another guy to finish an issue with a gold fish pond on an estate my wife and I manage. I have been taking care of about 80 goldfish in a 150 gallon stock tank waiting to get them back in the 1400 gallon pond… Anyway last week he fell off a ladder and through a tree. A branch went through his fore arm. He rushed to urgent care, they nerve blocked it and cleaned out and up the wound and stitched him up then sent him home. A few days later his hand and fore arm is swollen like Popeye’s fore arm… He said he drained a quart of **** out of it. Went back they looked at it and he got a stronger antibiotic and they said all should be fine in a few days.. This morning he went the ER and he called me said it’s real bad that they are admitting him for emergency surgery and that he was getting sepsis. He sent me this this evening as when they cut open the wound again they pulled this out!!!! WTF?

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Unfortuneatly, the only way the urgent care place will GAF is if there is a massive lawsuit filed.
But they also know that, so I presume he signed his life into their hands when he got there.

Stories like this, hearing about people lately having bad reactions to common meds(that came from China, of course) and my fear of getting someone elses blood means I am especially careful day to day and avoid the doctor if at all possible.
What a sad state of things, in this country of all places, to feel like this about personal health.
Going to an Urgent care is like going to McDonald's for a steak, good luck!
What do you call a medical student that graduates with a C average?

What do you call a medical student that graduates with a C average?

Ground rules must be set. My pulmonary doctor rambles on like a duck that got a vaccination with a phonograph needle. I told him slow do, not all of us graduated first in our class, but even doctors that graduated last in their class get a job. We have graduated to being friends, unless I don't pay the bill! LOL.
Ground rules must be set. My pulmonary doctor rambles on like a duck that got a vaccination with a phonograph needle. I told him slow do, not all of us graduated first in our class, but even doctors that graduated last in their class get a job. We have graduated to being friends, unless I don't pay the bill! LOL.

They all get an F in penmanship!
Going to an Urgent care is like going to McDonald's for a steak, good luck!
We have a urgent care not far from where I work that is good as 2 Doctors from a hospital left the hospital and run it… But I agree with your comment so to me healthcare is something that should be consistent through out all venues. Just seems these days it is simply good or really bad.
Blame it on insurance companies. They pay the bills and tell the health care organizations what they can do and how to do it. THe hospitals and Dr offices have to get paid and they need to play the insurance games to make it happen.
Blame it on insurance companies. They pay the bills and tell the health care organizations what they can do and how to do it. THe hospitals and Dr offices have to get paid and they need to play the insurance games to make it happen.
This is completely true. I worked for 2 doctors about 10 years ago. The one sold his half off to the other cause he said with ACA you had to jump through hoops and had a million codes for billing just to get paid. They only get a small portion of the amount submitted and they have a lady that her full time job is just trying to get paid. The other guy that left started a drug rehab practice. He said that is great cause insurance pays the full bill as this type of services is covered by government funding State or Federal funds I don’t know.. Guess it’s guaranteed payment like the portion of section 8 housing…
We have a urgent care not far from where I work that is good as 2 Doctors from a hospital left the hospital and run it… But I agree with your comment so to me healthcare is something that should be consistent through out all venues. Just seems these days it is simply good or really bad.
Your right, but many doctors practice in these settings because they don't fit well in private practice or should I say, they graduated last in their class. If you have a doctor as a friend, you get to hear things you really don't want to hear. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., behind heart disease and cancer.
Blame it on insurance companies. They pay the bills and tell the health care organizations what they can do and how to do it. THe hospitals and Dr offices have to get paid and they need to play the insurance games to make it happen.
I've had some insightful lessons on this within my own experience. I used the local urgent care places for DOT physicals when I was an owner operator, and paying for them out of pocket. Twenty years ago, the docs were older guys winding down at the end of their careers, pretty sharp. Quality deteriorated over time, last visit I got a rookie who was a complete twit, I said no more, and started paying three times as much to have my primary care doctor certify me.

When my wife had neuropathy issues in both legs 20 years ago, local talent (covered by our insurance) recommended a procedure that would have partially paralyzed both feet. I got a second opinion from a nationally prominent neurosurgeon, he ended up doing minimally invasive nerve releases, with excellent results. He also charged $8000 for each procedure, and did not accept insurance, took a check up front.
Your right, but many doctors practice in these settings because they don't fit well in private practice or should I say, they graduated last in their class. If you have a doctor as a friend, you get to hear things you really don't want to hear. Medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the U.S., behind heart disease and cancer.
Same thing with lawyers. My wife was horrified when she saw how far the spectrum of competence spread across my law school class. The folks at the bottom ended up representing low level criminals, and the better performers went to work for corporate america. Medical student who lived next to us in married student housing told her the same thing went on with his class.
We have a urgent care not far from where I work that is good as 2 Doctors from a hospital left the hospital and run it… But I agree with your comment so to me healthcare is something that should be consistent through out all venues. Just seems these days it is simply good or really bad.
I went to one when I was certain I had shingles and on my face after my regular care provider said there were no openings for 2 weeks....so not much choice. The visit turned out well though except the visit cost me 75 bucks and that was several years ago. IIRC, it was just before Covid. One odd thing is I thought my insurance paid it all since it took the UC center well over a year to bill me.
I went to one when I was certain I had shingles and on my face after my regular care provider said there were no openings for 2 weeks....so not much choice. The visit turned out well though except the visit cost me 75 bucks and that was several years ago. IIRC, it was just before Covid. One odd thing is I thought my insurance paid it all since it took the UC center well over a year to bill me.
Some of these are private and don’t even take insurance. So you pay the bill in full and then YOU must try and seek reimbursement from your insurance.
Same thing with lawyers. My wife was horrified when she saw how far the spectrum of competence spread across my law school class. The folks at the bottom ended up representing low level criminals, and the better performers went to work for corporate america. Medical student who lived next to us in married student housing told her the same thing went on with his class.
Same thing in all walks of life but I think there are a LOT more dummies doing auto mechanic work than in any other field. And I think maybe the next one would be home construction workers. Was surprised to hear about a 16 year old getting killed on the job when a thunderstorm blew through and collapsed a newly framed house in Houston. Can't say much about his age since I started when I was 14 but wasn't around new 'stick' construction like that. I'm kinda wondering if the place didn't have enough temp bracing in it? I remember when I finally got around newly framed houses, they had a bunch of temp bracing to the point is was almost hard to walk through them.
Same thing in all walks of life but I think there are a LOT more dummies doing auto mechanic work than in any other field. And I think maybe the next one would be home construction workers. Was surprised to hear about a 16 year old getting killed on the job when a thunderstorm blew through and collapsed a newly framed house in Houston. Can't say much about his age since I started when I was 14 but wasn't around new 'stick' construction like that. I'm kinda wondering if the place didn't have enough temp bracing in it? I remember when I finally got around newly framed houses, they had a bunch of temp bracing to the point is was almost hard to walk through them.
When I retired from the trucking industry, quality of drivers had deteriorated abysmally from when I started in 1976, industry now has a huge percentage of dummies. Myriad factors beyond my control drove the process, and I was relieved to be out of management when I was canned in 2004. At that time, I was weighing returning to private law practice, but decided to go with the truck, figuring I would have little or no competition. Law and medicine can draw participants with weak talents for relatively low cost because those folks will work cheap for the occupational prestige, particularly if they have family financial support.
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