i know theres been alot of talk about under hood lighting around here and i think i have the solution if youre not too proud. back in the day...wayyyyy before i had my roadrunner i had a 1971 monte carlo. this car had the brightest under hood light. it was on a mercury switch so there is nothing to do but mount it and put 12v power to it. theres a ton of them on ebay averaging around $37.00. im not sure if they have GM stamped on them anywhere or not. these would also work great for a trunk light.
once again , if youre not too proud i think this is a great soultion because personally ,,,,i cant find a MOPAR underhood light anyplace. just search "gm under hood light" on ebay and watch them appear!
once again , if youre not too proud i think this is a great soultion because personally ,,,,i cant find a MOPAR underhood light anyplace. just search "gm under hood light" on ebay and watch them appear!