Multiple ways to skin this cat, and I appoligize in advance for the lengthy response.
The more traditional way is using an arbor, or hydraulic press. Easiest way to support them when pressing is by using a short piece of pipe or heavy tubing, that is just a bit longer than the sleeve itself and large enough for the 'head' of that sleeve to fit through. To get the 1st one out you will also need something that will reach through the sleeve on the opposite side in order to get a 'straight' push.
I have also seen guys fab up central bolt pullers and pushers using short segments of threaded pipe with a long threaded bolt, or threaded 'stock' run through caps on the ends. This type of tool can be used to remove AND install bushings. All pieces can be purchased at any hardware store.
Or(!) if you don't have access to such equipment, with a good hammer, chisel and/ or punch, you can actually fold in the 'skinny' side, to the point that they will basically 'fall' out. This may take more elbow grease, and require two sets of hands ("Here, you hold the head" to speak). Be sure to use the hammer in a controlled manner so as not to distort the control arm ends.
Youtube, 'pressing out control arm bushings' and you may see some of what I mentioned.
Your chain auto parts stores (AutoZone, Advance Auto, O' Rielly, Pep Boys, etc.) may have loaner tools to R&R these bushings. If not for this specific task, their 'Ball joint/U-Joint press set' may be adapted to perform this work since it also uses sleeves to press in and out 'press type' ball joints.
Although not required(!) is best to use a 'pressing motion' to install the new ones. I have seen them beat back in with a hammer with 'exceptable' results.
Finally...if you take the control arms and new bushings to a repair shop, they would likely R&R them for $20 to $30 bucks?
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