I guess I'm with the narrow-minded crowd.

I'm an old school guy. I remember walking into Honest Charley's and scanning through the racks of carbs, intakes, gears, ignition systems, and other parts that I consider "real" performance upgrades. Now I go to the Performance section of a Pep Boys, and what's considered performance parts? Strobe lights and fart can muffler tips. Sorry, but I'm just not going to take someone who thinks putting a fart can on your tailpipe is a performance improvement very seriously.
Speaking of old school, I remember the 1980s when lots of young guys like myself were hanging up posters of Porches and Lamborghinis and Corvettes on their walls, and I would ask why they liked those cars and most of the time I could never get an answer other than "because they're cool", which I translated as "everyone else likes them, so I guess I'll like them". They never had a specific thing they liked about those cars, it was just in their minds it was cool to like what The Crowd liked. Groupthink people like this are just such a striking difference from people you ask "why do you like that car?" and they'll talk about some particular lines, or performance, or stance, or their Dad had one, or something that shows they genuinely like their cars for what they are rather than because it's an in-thing to like them.
I'm also old school in that I have tremendous respect for people who can make an intermediate car that was meant to seat six full-size people and carry a week's worth of groceries go really fast all night long through the use of engine boring, intakes, head work, carb design, rear-end gearing selections, and other performance upgrades. I have little respect for guys who think doing very little to make a lightweight import or modern car that can seat two full-size people and maybe a baby and a day's worth of groceries go really fast until their nitrous runs out. Using their standard, I could tape a bottle rocket to a matchbox that would blow their doors off and be king of the street.

So if you're a guy with a newer Mustang, Camaro, or an import, that was 100% built by the factory, and think you're going to impress me... you ain't. If you're a guy with a car that you've modified to turn it from a grocery getter into a hot rod, which is what you're seeing in most of those Life magazine pictures, you'll have my full and complete attention.
Lastly, I'm old school because there's been heated debates about whose marque is better for as long as I've been interested in cars, and I know they've been around as long as my Dad was interested in cars.

Ford vs Chevy vs Mopar, Chevy vs Pontiac, Ford vs Mercury, Plymouth vs Dodge, domestic vs import, big block vs small block, muscle vs sport, sport vs pony car... we are drawn together just as much by arguing what is good/better/best as we are by what we share in common. To minimize either intercourse would be like trying to have a top without a bottom... it just doesn't work.