Speaking of sins of omission---
I forced myself to sit through the graveyard cars "glass trailer" episode last night.
Mark gave one of his "info" speeches and declared that all "muscle" cars had an "S" as the second VIN digit.
Really? What about all the cars with an "M" like Super Bees, Roadrunners, and 340 A bodies?
Or are those not really "muscle" cars to him?
I caught that too, I guess our B-Bodies don't rate...LOL..., he's a narcissist & E-body lover it seems {there's nothing wrong with that either, but there's more to MoPar than just the E-Body}, all the guys mentioned they never worked on or touched a Hemi, how can you be an alleged so-called MoPar expert & never have worked on or touched a Hemi ??... The show was slightly a little more tolerable last night, a little slightly less of the Markisms BS...Speaking of sins of omission---
I forced myself to sit through the graveyard cars "glass trailer" episode last night.
Mark gave one of his "info" speeches and declared that all "muscle" cars had an "S" as the second VIN digit.
Really? What about all the cars with an "M" like Super Bees, Roadrunners, and 340 A bodies?
Or are those not really "muscle" cars to him?
3 pages and not one post had the brains to mention John Herlitz. The father of the 70 'Cuda. AND, the 71 Roadrunner. Two of the Bitchin ist Mopars on the planet. And I don't own either one. Shows what they know over there.
He's not a MoPar expert in real life. He just plays one on TV.
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Dennis, is that the crappy pitted RH rear view mirror? Damn, I can see those pits from here.
I wish they would tone down Darrin 3 to 4 notches or just get rid of the overgrown chipmunk looking bastard. All he ever seems to do is bitch, say "what about my car," complain or try to get Holley in trouble.
That's it! That POS from YO. SON of a...Vibrates too.He's not a MoPar expert in real life. He just plays one on TV.
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Dennis, is that the crappy pitted RH rear view mirror? Damn, I can see those pits from here.
He's not a MoPar expert in real life. He just plays one on TV.