photos maybe would help, hard to put a set price on the stuff, But to start with & just a wild a$$ guess is, people are all over the place in W_I_W, starting at but not limited to, good original 1969 426ci. street hemi block, that's any good $1500-$2500 depending on condition, head $1500-$2500 each if they are good & complete depending on condition what's been done to them, have they been ported & by whom if they were ?? & if they have good valves, springs, cups, retainers, locks, lash caps, push rods or titanium valves race stuff etc. {they could be worth allot more $$$}... the crank rods & pistons $1500-$2500 for a good rotating assembly, what crank, 4340 billet Callies or a stock forging ?? what rods/stock or Crowers or something else ?? what pistons/compression ?? all depending on condition... rockers can be all over the place in costs/price depending on who's rockers ?? & how good are they, maybe $1500 to start in that neighborhood, intake & carbs will be pricey too if they are originals, not much cheaper thou if they aren't either depends on what they are & the condition.... is the engine assembled or disassembled ?? what size bore ?? etc. low $4,500-high $8,000- $10,000 in pieces {if they are any good}, could be allot more too, depends on what actual parts & the condition... it's really subjective, to what where & whom is selling... try E-Scam or RacingJunk & see what they are selling for or at-least what the asking prices are... if it was an ol' 426ci Hemi race engine, most get hammered really hard, very few when undamaged, that's why they are so rare, I wouldn't take anyone's word for "it doesn't have any cracks", I'd have it all heads, crank & block, checked for cracks, before you finalize a price...