You making a Pinocchio doll?I need to glue a braided cotton sleeve inside a wooden pocket. Which is better, E6000 or GOOP?
View attachment 1786058
View attachment 1786059
Exactly!Not enough info on application.
X2, I've put a lot of stuff on wood. Contact cement, felt with a THIN coat of white glue.Not enough info on application.
dittowhere used/wood finish will it need replacing in the future are all part of the equation! my go to for ease of installation for wood where clamping isn't easy is combination ,hot glue/PL the hot glue holds the parts in place immediately while PL set ups!
wood stove door seal glue works great on braid,has the right viscosity for good penetration!
Hadn’t thought of that although I doubt I would ever smoke it. Maybe just once as a tribute.You might want a more "natural" glue.
Either of those products will likely add a bad taste.
...yep, still wondering about the Pinocchio thing....wood stove door seal glue works great on braid,has the right viscosity for good penetration!
I remember that!!!!
I remember that!!!!
Wowlooks like they put her face on the bottle! .......... seriously