yeah it suck up here the past few days, it went from a grass fire of 100 acres to 40,000 acres over night then to over 90,000 acres now {Probably well over 100,000 acres now} with all the smoke & the out of control fire near Groveland, Pine Mountain Lake, Moccasin/Hatch Hetchey watershed & nearing the Yosemite National Park Hwy-120 areas... I'm about 50 miles or so as the crow flies from there, it's really bad in the mornings here, it's like fog but it's smoke... There's another fire a little farther north east too, near the Truckee area... That's the only bad thing about living up here in the Gold Country, the Mother-load, Central Western Sierra's or "Gods Country", as my neighbors like to call it... The move to establish it as a Disater/Emergency was to get Federal Money, because our state is freaken' broke/broken' & we can't afford to pay for all the proper clearing & all the needs or the necessary equipment we needed to fight these type fires, they spend it on social &/or inner-city problems & BS instead... Or the hated Eco-Nazi's/tree huggers/Greenies/Environmentalist-Activist, try to stop the Calif. forestry dept. from doing the necessary culling, Logging/Thinning of all the multitude we have of dead/rotten' fallen wood/deceased Trees & all the overgrown under-brush, while they sit in their SF Bay or LA area's, in their cushy little apartments, way away from any smoke or fire danger.... Sorry I couldn't help myself... this touches home for me... I'm not trying to make it a political thing, but unfortunately it is thou... I hope all the people evacuated the best, my deepest condolences to those who have lost almost everything & I only hope their lives get back to normal, "very soon" & that the Fire fighters & Smoke jumpers, Cal Fire workers, Forestry & Fish & Game dept.'s {my uphill & down hill neighbors} all stay safe as possible & well hydrated...