Have a '69 Roadrunner 383 I picked up. The car was an auction car and I got it from a classic car dealer. So, the history of the engine is unknown. The headers were unbolted and the starter was missing. I primed the engine, then installed a starter and cranked the engine. Zero compression on all cylinders. Distributor shaft and timing chain/gear all in working order. So, I pulled the heads.. to find out someone had assembled the engine with no head gaskets. I became skeptical and started looking over the 906 heads as I could tell they had some work done to them. Has 1.81/2.14 valves in it. Had no valve seals either. So, I disssembled the heads and found a few issues with a couple of the valves (including an exhaust valbe that was not correct at all) I lapped them in, reassemeble and install. Also installed a new Comp cams double roller chain/gear set. I still have zero compression. I don't believe its an issue with the heads or valves seating but maybe rings? I poured some oil in a couple of the cylinders and get compression for one turn on the filled cylinder. I can hear the oil/air coming out from what sounds like under the camshaft. Any ideas? Would stuck rings cause zero compression on all cylinders??