Well-Known Member
wanted original 1971 big block water pump housing dated in 9th month , example 9 x 15, will also have a pentestar on lower tube.. need original clean housing, will pay 200.00 just for housing
Yes,2780987 is casting number,for late 69-71 pentastar must be on lower tube, and for 69- early 70 the date code was right above pentastar and included the year. 65-66 are one type( temp sender in different location and no pentastar),67-early 69 another ( temp sender in different location than 65-66 ,and still no pentastar), late 69-71 ( pentastar on lower tube and temp sender in same location as 67- early 69), also heater hose fittings changed to 2 different sizes,but that's a whole nother story.