Well-Known Member
Looking for feedback on my Latest challenge. A few months back I suddenly had an issue where my engine would cut in and out under any amount of throttle. Found the problem by pulling the vacuum line off the timing advance which resulted in the engine settling to normal - at first. After a few tries of putting the vacuum back on and off it finally would run at all. Found that the primary power wire inside was broke. After I pulled the distributor to replace the wire also found the bridge wire between the two contacts nearly broke. I replaced the wires along with new points, condenser put it back in and everything ran fine for several outings. I suspected that the problem was the wires were all old originals and that the action of the advance moving the dist back and forth resulted in the wires breaking.
Fast forward to Saturday. Started the same type of skipping of the engine to the point that I couldn’t really put any load on it. Even backed fired out the exhaust a couple of times. I pulled the cap and all the wires inside looked good and tight. Tried again but same problem. I pulled the vacuum line to the advance and it runs perfect…..
A “shop” that had my car some months back replaced the vacuum advance unit with a new one from Tony’s Parts. Since the car runs good without the advance connected I’m thinking the unit is bad. Haven’t had it apart yet but anyone have thoughts? When the distributor was out a few months ago it didn’t seem to have any play and was oiled up good.
Fast forward to Saturday. Started the same type of skipping of the engine to the point that I couldn’t really put any load on it. Even backed fired out the exhaust a couple of times. I pulled the cap and all the wires inside looked good and tight. Tried again but same problem. I pulled the vacuum line to the advance and it runs perfect…..
A “shop” that had my car some months back replaced the vacuum advance unit with a new one from Tony’s Parts. Since the car runs good without the advance connected I’m thinking the unit is bad. Haven’t had it apart yet but anyone have thoughts? When the distributor was out a few months ago it didn’t seem to have any play and was oiled up good.