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Search results for query: no oil pressure

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  1. PRHeads

    Re-Rebuilding the 440-493 in a 1970 Charger

    Yup I’ll add that I’d have no reservations about running a HV pump in KD’s combo. If the thicker oil didn’t get me where I wanted to be, I’d slap a HV pump right on there. Under 40psi in a performance build BBM at cruise is lower than I’d like to see. As for cold start oil pressure…….. on a...
  2. Kern Dog

    Re-Rebuilding the 440-493 in a 1970 Charger

    I'll have to go back and look at my notes or even through this thread. I did pull the spring from the last oil pump I had. Posts 798, 831 and 833 I mentioned this. The pressure I am getting now matches what I had back after I swapped in the purple spring. It has not dropped. THIS is the...
  3. fmahannah

    Sudden oil loss, max wedge clone

    Took the 63 Polara to a show 70 miles away. Checked oil before we left as I always do and it was fine. Car ran fine on the way there. On the way home my wife said she thought she smelled oil burning at a traffic light. I figured it was another car in front of me. Noticed slight vibration...
  4. Cheapsunglasses

    Where did you and your car go today

    Yeah that wasn’t a good picture, I was tired and just quickly snapped one. I drive this car pretty regularly with no issues, it’s been as far as Lubbock, 230 miles, I thought hay 90 miles isn’t a big deal for it. There’s always that 1 trip. I think the distributor o ring messed up, and...
  5. dvw

    Struggling to find the right oil pressure balance

    First assume we have a properly working gauge. Let’s also assume the inlet side is not sucking air. Oil pressure is low at idle because the pump can’t move enough volume to build resistance to flow. Why? Thin oil, internal leaks from sloppy lifter bores, large bearing clearances. Shimming the...
  6. lewtot184

    Another oil pressure discussion

    There's recommendations of heavier oil, big pumps, and I wouldn't do any of that. 10w30 " might" be a little light on a worn engine but not a deal breaker. I have a stock 440 with a stock pump with red spring, stock bearings and clearances, stock valve train and all. I've done 10w30, straight...

    Hemi 426 roller cam weird problem

    ...the intake roller #2 on the passinger side had pushrod jump out of lifter and lifter was 1/2 way out of the bore so when cold and no oil pressure it slipped down in place. So when engine warmed up lifter pushed out of hole by cam shaft and oil pressure did the rest pushed it up more and oil...

    Oil filter question

    Wouldn't the appropriate questions to ask about oil filters are: Micron rating (particle size filtered); maximum flow rating in terms of gallons/minute or liters/minute or some quantifiable unit of measurement; pressure drop (pressure) or flow loss (pressure) at maximum flow; canister burst...
  9. bcOH67

    Best guess as to what’s going on ?

    ‘This’ problem I guess would be the oil pressure dropping when I’m driving after a while. I guess I assumed it and the stalling when first starting up were related because they started happening at the same time. The other stuff I said was just info to maybe help inform a guess as to what could...
  10. lewtot184

    Bummer! No oil Pressure

    There's no telling how many oil filters, all brands, I've used thru decades of tinkering and never had one kill the pressure. I hope you get a chance to cut all 3 apart and find a cause. Glad your running.
  11. Hey-O

    Where did you and your car go today

    It's a great picture. Remember, these cars needed maintenance back in the day when they were new. Ten thousand miles was a bunch years ago. You're all good!!
  12. khryslerkid

    Curious about the zinc in break in oils......

    I've always thought that adding a zddp additive to oil was overkill and maybe even harmful to oil that was already formulated for a reason. This article/thread proves that adding zddp to any oil can deplete the amount of pressure that the oil already had in the original formula. (I copied just a...
  13. 1STMP

    Low compression on rebuilt 440

    All I did after 23 years of sittin' was to fill the crank- case and spin the oil pump. 50 lbs oil pressure. Most of the assembly lube on the cam had since dried up, settled to the bottom of the pan, with no affect on the lifters. The bottom surface of the dipstick showed just a little...

    Oil pressure, how much is too much

    I WOULD NOT use an adjustable high pressure relief valve in the oil pump. It is a standard MELLINGS/Mopar high volume pump with the relief valve spring for that specific application WITHOUT any shims to achieve my results. My operating specs are determined by bearing clearances and oil...
  15. ruffcut

    Distributor is leaking oil on my headers

    That oil pressure is a bit excessive. No need for more than 60 psi oil pressure tops. You'll be cutting grooves in bearings with that much pressure! Just my 2 cents. ruffcut
  16. jimbosride

    Defective Oil Pump?

    The Coronet has about 300 miles on it since the restoration. I think the oil pressure seams funny to me? It has a plumbed oil pressure gauge along With the stock light. Engine was professional built and Dyno run before install with no issues that I know of. When I fire it up cold it seem like it...
  17. ynst

    Valve Train Noise after Cam Break-In

    You said flat tappet. I'm taking that to mean a solid lifter flat tappet cam to go along with the adjustable rocker arms. These setups use special pushrods as well. ALL flat tappet cams will be "noisy". It's the way they work. What are you running for clearance? Are you setting the...

    Hemi 426 roller cam weird problem

    Pulled Intake found one pushrod off the lifter and lifter in bore but not necessary staying down in bore during running. Turned engine over with starter after pushrod and lifter installed properly no large amount of oil coming from lifter bore upper or lower turned until see 30 lbs on gauge and...

    Coolant in oil, fresh build

    FYI.....on a GM/DDA 8V-92T diesel engine, which suffered a head O ring failure contaminating the lube oil, GM recommended the use of a compound called BUTILCELLOSOLVE ADDED to the oil, approximately one guart, to absorb and neutralize the effect of the ethylene glycol. Change the oil and...
  20. dvw

    727 Wont go on to second or third

    Easy way to tell. Screw an oil pressure gauge into the governor pressure port in the tail shaft. Run the car in gear (can be on stands). If you see little or no pressure you have a governor/governor seal ring issue. Pressure will roughly mimic vehicle speed with a 3.23. More gear ratio will...