I have beat up 68 RR, 383 4 spd 3.91. It has factory pattern hp cam, factory pattern pistons, 2.08 1.74 open chamber iron heads, M1 dual plane intake that looks like the stock one, Edelbrock 1405 carb, 4-1 headers, 2.5 exhaust.
I use dum old single point distributor with the heavy spring removed and the light spring in its place. Initial ignition timing is 10 btdc, and I forgot the number on the slots for the mechanical advance, so it's probably 36-40 total. Runs on 93 octane and has 16 inches of manifold vacuum at idle, which is 800 rpm. That's just where it likes to idle, no matter what I do.
It's not sluggish. It goes nicely. A 383 RR is not a fast car by modern standards, but it's still quick enough to annoy everybody and all those farty Mustangs running around, even with oil on the clutch. If you're rolling along in 2nd gear and goose it, it will shove you back and snap your head back.
It does drive like a car though, not a tow truck. Starting from a standstill in 2nd gear is not too exciting. With the hp cam, it makes acceptable low end torque for a street driven car, not spectacular. It won't idle up a hill in gear, but if you concentrate too much on low end, it will drive like a tractor.