Last night, drove the car after it had warmed up and it was running about 15.5 volts. Put a power steering pump on and got that going. Started it, warmed it up, and let it idle. Checked voltage--Voltage regulator, 14.15; Fuse box, 14.5; battery, 14.21. Waited a few minutes and checked again--Regulator, 14.0; Fuse box, 14.3; Battery, 14.1.
Today, started it and drove it on the highway. The volt gauge read 15.8 the whole time I was driving highway speed. Parked it, let it idle for a while, then checked it again--Regulator, 14.2; Fuse box, 14.4; Battery, 14.4.
The voltage tends to bounce. Sometimes it moves a few hundredths, other times it moves a couple tenths. The voltmeter does not do this on three other vehicles. That might be another issue, or perhaps a bad alternator?? I'll probably get it checked next.
[Added. If it's not warmed up, at idle it records 15.0 at the Regulator, 15.2 at the fuse box, and 15.2 at the battery.]